Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Celebrate Everything!

We are coming out of a season of celebrations. Many of us are celebrating that 2009 is behind us, and a beautiful, clean, fresh, and exciting new year is just beginning. We’ve made our resolutions, set our goals, created a vision of ourselves and our future in 2010, and now we begin to live our life.

If your resolutions involve any attempt at self-improvement, whether it be losing weight, eating better, exercising more, or getting more rest, I would invite you to think about how you will celebrate your progress.

Celebrate everything you do that moves you in the direction you want to go. If you went for a walk on your lunch hour, celebrate that! If you took the stairs instead of the elevator, celebrate that! If you chose an apple rather something from the break room’s vending machine, celebrate that! Give your attention to appreciating and acknowledging each thing you do that moves you in the direction of your desires.

During my weight release journey, I knew that I was going to need lots and lots of rewards and acknowledgement, because I was changing deep-seated behavioral patterns and beliefs about who I was and what I deserved.

I knew that I was going to have to continually reinforceevery positive behavior, every positive change I was making.

And yet, for so much of my life, I celebrated my successes with food. Finishing a big project at school definitely called for dinner out. Winning an award at work definitely required ice cream. Finishing a long week definitely called for a weekend movie, and that weekend movie called buttered popcorn, candy, and soft drinks.

But I knew, as I was releasing weight, that I was going to have to celebrate my success without turning to food. I knew that I was going to have to find non-food ways to reward myself for releasing weight, for moving my body, and for eating healthfully.

For releasing weight, I chose to reward myself for every five pounds I lost. For intentionally being active and for eating healthfully, I became the the queen of stickers. And when I achieved my weight-release goal, I took a trip! Non-food rewards (flowers, notecards, pretty things, clothes, shoes, magazines, etc.) played a huge role in keeping me motivated through this intense journey.

What are some changes you’re looking forward to celebrating this year? And what will be your non-food ways to reward yourself?

Up Next: Food--Fuel or Love?


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Weight Loss Consultant

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Lincoln, NE
Kristin Heslop, DMA, has gained and lost over a thousand pounds throughout her life. A musician by trade and training, Dr. Heslop attended Union College in Lincoln, Nebraska. She holds a Master of Music degree from Wichita State University, and a doctorate from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Dr. Heslop has taught at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Concordia University, Union College, Wichita State University, and Enterprise Academy. She has performed on the flute, piano, harpsichord, and organ throughout the Midwest. In addition to music she derives great pleasure from political and environmental activism, creating visual art, and hearing her cat Lukas purr.