Saturday, July 11, 2009

Food Is Not the Enemy


I’ve waged major battles with food.

Kristin versus Ben and Jerry.

Kristin versus Land O’Lakes butter.

Kristin versus The Vending Machine.

For so many years, my predominant way of thinking was that I had no self control.  I felt completely powerless over food.   If I found myself within 100 feet of food, I’d feel desperate.  If food was there, I would have to eat it, whether I liked it or not.  For years, I felt that I had no choice in the matter.    And during those years, my thoughts began with, “I can’t. . .” or “I don’t. . .”  or “I shouldn’t have. . .” or “I should have. . .” 

Of course, during those years, my weight fluctuated dramatically--over 200 pounds of body weight was gained and lost and gained and lost in the course of my adult life.  

I thought the enemy was food.  But it was never food.  The enemy was always my perception and my thinking, and the battleground was always in my mind rather than in my refrigerator or on the dinner table. 

When I realized that the only way to win the battle was to surrender to truth and to surrender to reality and to surrender to pleasure and to surrender to joy, then my body weight began to change.  But it was only by changing my perspective that I was able to change my weight.  It was only by choosing to view my body with love and kindness and compassion that I was able to release weight.  And it is only by making the daily choice to view my body with gratitude and appreciation that I am able to maintain a healthful weight. 

When we surrender to the truth of what is, we can truly be free. 

Up Next:  What They Don’t Tell You About Losing Weight

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Weight Loss Consultant

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Lincoln, NE
Kristin Heslop, DMA, has gained and lost over a thousand pounds throughout her life. A musician by trade and training, Dr. Heslop attended Union College in Lincoln, Nebraska. She holds a Master of Music degree from Wichita State University, and a doctorate from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Dr. Heslop has taught at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Concordia University, Union College, Wichita State University, and Enterprise Academy. She has performed on the flute, piano, harpsichord, and organ throughout the Midwest. In addition to music she derives great pleasure from political and environmental activism, creating visual art, and hearing her cat Lukas purr.