Tuesday, June 16, 2009

When Women Start Loving Their Bodies

A couple of days ago, I had the privilege of participating in a workshop called “Befriending Our Bodies After Cancer.”  I came away filled with inspiration, passion, and desire.  I also came away with a strong belief that when women start loving their bodies. . . 

. . . their health will improve and health care costs will go down.

. . . they will be happier.

. . . they will need less medication.

. . . they will be in touch with their deepest, truest parts of themselves.

. . . they will approve and enjoy and connect with every part of their physical presence.

. . . they will not seek to change their bodies by drastic means, for they will see the beauty and joy in their bodies as they are.

. . . the will know that the only approval that really matters is the approve that comes from inside of them.

. . . they will ease up on the judgments the make about their bodies.

. . . they will treat themselves kindly and compassionately.

. . . they will approve of the image they see in the mirror.

. . . they will approve of other women’s bodies.

. . . they will approve of their daughter’s bodies.

. . . they will listen closely to what their bodies are telling them.

. . . they will pay attention to what their bodies really want.

. . . they will enjoy the sensory pleasures their bodies give them.

. . . they will not rely solely on the sense of taste to give them pleasure, and instead know that they can experience pleasure through their eyes, ears, nose, and skin.

. . . they will see beauty in freckles, wrinkles, gray hair, and flesh.

. . . they will know what makes them happy, and take responsibility for their own happiness.

. . . they will feel better about themselves more often.

. . . they will feel no desire to read fashion magazines.

. . . they will know that their bodies love them.

. . . they will know that their bodies want to support them during their time on this planet.

Up Next:  If Your Body Could Talk to You, What Would It Say?

Leave me your comments here!

And check out my FREE OFFER at my website:  http://www.fallinlovewithyourbody.com


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Weight Loss Consultant

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Lincoln, NE
Kristin Heslop, DMA, has gained and lost over a thousand pounds throughout her life. A musician by trade and training, Dr. Heslop attended Union College in Lincoln, Nebraska. She holds a Master of Music degree from Wichita State University, and a doctorate from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Dr. Heslop has taught at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Concordia University, Union College, Wichita State University, and Enterprise Academy. She has performed on the flute, piano, harpsichord, and organ throughout the Midwest. In addition to music she derives great pleasure from political and environmental activism, creating visual art, and hearing her cat Lukas purr.