If you’re headed away for jaunt by the lake or some time in the mountains this summer, here are a few tips to keep you focused on your weight-release desires!
Tip One: Ask yourself what you really, really want? What will bring you the most pleasure? Do you want to return from your vacation having maintained your weight? Would you be happy if the scale reflected a gain of a couple of pounds or so? Or do you want the scale to continue to show a decline? Only you can answer those questions, but before you head out on the road, think about what you want.
Tip Two: Enjoy yourself--and your food! If you’re traveling to a different part of the country, or maybe an entirely new country, use this as a chance to escape from your regular food routine, and try new, yummy, and unusual food. Try things that you wouldn’t normally try. Experiment, and have fun!
Tip Three: Maybe you’re going on a road trip? If so, consider declaring your vehicle a fast food free zone and instead, pack a cooler with fresh fruit, lots of veggies, bottles of water, yogurt, granola bars--delicious, healthful food that will help you achieve what you really, really want.
Tip Four: Pay close attention to what your body is telling you. Listen to your body’s hunger signals. Avoid becoming famished. And avoid becoming stuffed. And use all five senses to enjoy what you’re eating. Enjoy the way your food looks on your plate. Enjoy the way it feels in your mouth. Enjoy its aroma. Enjoy all the flavors it delights you with: sweet? salty? bitter? sour? And enjoy any sounds it makes--does it crunch? does it crackle? does it sizzle?
Tip Five: Our bodies are designed to move, so enjoy moving your body in a different physical space! Use all five senses to take pleasure in whatever space you’re in, whether it’s a fun hike in the mountains or stretching out on the beach. Have fun moving your body!
Up Next: The Agony and the Ecstasy of the Scale
And check out the FREE stuff at http://www.fallinlovewithyourbody.com
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