Attitude isn’t the most important thing. It’s the only thing.
It’s easy to have a fantastic attitude when you’re have a fantastic day. But what about when your day is less-than-fantastic? How do you keep that great attitude when your boss is short with you and your spouse is grouchy and the dog had an accident on the carpet? How to you focus on your desires for your body when your biggest desire seems to be for a family-size bag of Ruffles?
Here are a couple of suggestions. First, pay attention to your feelings. Acknowledge them, own them, and let yourself feel them before you put food in your mouth. And secondly, remember what you really, really want. Always keep your thoughts focused on the outcome you’re seeking. Owning all of your feelings and being clear about your deepest desires can go a long way in helping maintain a great attitude under less-than-great circumstances.
Up Next: The Joy of the Long Run
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