This is a topic I’m an expert in.
I’ve had years of practical experience.
I’ve eaten mindlessly in movie theaters.
I’ve eaten mindlessly at my desk at work.
I’ve eaten mindlessly in my car.
I’ve eaten mindless in other people’s cars.
I’ve eaten mindlessly in front of the television.
I’ve eaten mindlessly in meetings.
I’ve eaten mindlessly in my bedroom.
I’ve eaten mindlessly while standing in front of the refrigerator, wondering what I should eat.
And mindless eating was a direct reflection of my mindless living.
The less aware I was of what I put in my mouth, the less aware I was of how I lived my life.
Mindless eating for me was all about mindless living.
But when I infused pleasure into eating, mindlessness was replaced by mindfulness.
And I began to really taste my food.
I began to take pleasure in every aspect of food.
And as I took pleasure in food, I began to take pleasure in every aspect of my life.
The ripple effect of pleasure is far-reaching. . . .
Up Next: Fat-Acceptance v. Anti-Obesity--Is There a Middle Way?