You’ll still have laundry.
You’ll still have dishes.
You’ll still have a few aches and pains.
You’ll still bad hair days.
You’ll still have diapers and cat litter.
You’ll still have garbage.
You’ll still vacuuming.
You’ll still have closets to clean.
You’ll still have arguments with your spouse or significant other or kids or friends.
When I was fat, I idealized being thin. I thought that, if I could only lose weight, then my life would be perfect. I’d have the perfect job, the perfect boyfriend, the perfect apartment, the perfect car. I thought that the stars would align. I would be at one with the universe. I’d attain enlightenment.
My thinking was wrong. “If only [you fill in the blank] would happen, then I could be happy,” was the underlying theme of these thoughts. I was waiting to become thin. I thought that, once I was thin, then I really would be happy. But being thin doesn’t make you happy.
For me, it’s more like being happy that makes you thin.
Weird, huh?
Up Next: 30 Pounds in 30 Days!
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